"How Can This Crazy Kid Consistently Book 8-15 Gigs Per Month Over The Internet?"

"It's True, And I Can Prove It. More Importantly, I Can Take You INSIDE The Scientific System That Took Me 4 Years To Perfect...And Show You Exactly How You Can Do It Too!"

Because of the Internet, I can:

  • Deal ONLY with customers who I want to deal with

  • Raise my prices without flinching

  • Book gigs in other states, other countries, and even in my backyard that I NEVER WOULD BE ABLE TO BOOK OTHERWISE

  • Sleep well, knowing that I don't have to worry about where my next gig is going to come from

  • And more, but don't take my word for it...
"...put more money in your pocket."

      "Tim David's Internet Marketing Course is AWESOME! He knows what he is talking about and using his tips will put more money in your pocket. His Free Bonuses alone are worth the price of the course. I highly recommend that you give it a try!"
- Dave J. Castle, MI

"...the best that I've ever seen."

      "...I've invested three times the amount on a general Internet marketing course that really did not give me the information I needed for our business...You've really distilled it down into the stuff that I need to know to improve my business."
-Taken from interview with Jim Snack, NY

"I highly recommend this course..."

      "This course is all about one thing: TO HELP YOU MAKE MORE MONEY WITH YOUR WEBSITE. If you want the 'latest theory' or 'coolest graphics' then this course isn't for you. That stuff doesn't mean jack, if you want to book more shows and make more money with your magic, then this is the course to get. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to use the Internet to help them book more shows."
-Amir Saint

Dear Fellow Entertainer,

      Do you ever find yourself making excuses for your web site? I hear entertainers all the time saying things like:

  • "I paid a professional web designer to put my site up so it must be good. Eventually it will get results for me. After all, he's a professional...right?"

  • "I only send people to my site when they want more information. Sometimes they call back to book me, sometimes they don't."

  • "People compliment me on my site all the time...Which is great except I'm not booking a whole lot of gigs from it."

  • "I don't really track where my bookings come from, I just assume that my web site plays a part somehow."

  • "I don't even care if my web site brings me gigs. It makes me look more professional and that's all that matters."

  • "I got real sick of not having a web site when people asked for my address, so I bought a '...For Dummies' book and made one myself! It came out good enough..."

      It saddens me to see these people SETTLING FOR LESS THAN THEY DESERVE!

      To book gigs with the Internet, you'll need a proven "marketing-over-the-Internet" system that effectively combines web pages, with off-line marketing, search engines, email, and other powerful marketing tools into one big marketing POWERHOUSE that cranks out the gigs one after the other.

"...a fine blend of marketing and technical information."

      "I am pleased to have purchased the Ultimate Web Site Success Kit as it fills a much under represented area of business. I speak of those of us that are not a product-based business, but a service oriented business of entertainment. The material has made me rethink about my web site and how I need to change it. Using the given guidelines will make my site a success...and thus help make my business more successful. The kit is a fine blend of marketing information and technical information. The support is great too. You’re not left out in the cold after you purchase the kit. Instead Tim welcomes the chance to help."
-Lance Campbell, WA

Do you consider your current web site a marketing powerhouse?

      Over the past four years I've slowly uncovered just such a powerhouse system. Like most entertainers, my web site did absolutely nothing for me at first (even though I had invested in and studied over $2700 worth of marketing information). Fortunately, I was stubborn enough to stick with it and keep testing, tweaking, and fine-tuning. The result is a system that brings in 8-15 paid shows for me each and every month that I may not have gotten otherwise.

      Want to know how YOU can get a proven system like that? Without four years of trial and error? Without investing over $2700 in your marketing education? Read on...

"Discover the Long-Awaited Insider Information That You Need to Boost the Marketing Power and Impact of Your Web Site So it Gets Dependable RESULTS, Guaranteed."

      I spent over 2 years making sure the content in this course has everything YOU need to understand and profit from a successful web site marketing plan. The techniques are not complicated and anyone can use them to supercharge their existing business.

      This course uncovers all the "unconventional" methods that I personally use to grow my entertainment business. I'll spill my guts and tell you all the secrets that I had to learn the hard way through trial and error (and error, and error).

      I'll also expose all the strategies that did NOT work and why they'll continue to "bomb" for entertainers. Don't let yourself get caught in the same traps that I did.

      Here's just a taste of what you'll find in Volume I of this breakthrough new course...

  • Much more than web site templates...you get complete web marketing system templates for FOUR different markets that will book gigs and generate leads.

  • The top 5 things about your web site that annoy the heck out of people!

  • Writer's Block? Learn the secrets to writing powerful copy on your web site that nobody else wants to talk about.

  • 13 specific ways to build unshakable credibility on your web site.

  • Ten ways to write KILLER HEADLINES for your web site, plus nine tips for improving any headline, anywhere.

  • What types of graphics to include on your site and which ones you should avoid like the plague.

  • 9 smart things you can do to make your web pages load faster.

  • No technical jargon or confusing gobbledegook. Written in PLAIN ENGLISH!

  • How your web site can get people to stop asking "How much do you charge?" and start asking when can YOU make time for THEM!

  • Why you don't need an expensive brochure if you have a web site.

  • A 27-point checklist to make sure that you don't forget anything important when writing copy for a web site.

  • The "Necessary Evil" - Technical information (about domain names, web hosts, etc.) written in a "For Idiots" style.

  • NEW resources and information that reveal how to get the job done with a web site that costs under $60 per year! (Not a typo.)

  • And of course, much more (WITHOUT any junk, fluff, filler, or theories).

And that's only the half of it.

What else is there?

Let's find out...

Volume II Reveals Step By Step How to Get a Flood of QUALIFIED, HOT PROSPECTS Rushing to Your Site.

      It's a simple business fact: The more qualified leads you generate, the more dollars you put in your pocket. That's why Volume II is so important. Within its pages you'll discover...

  • The 7 most effective methods for getting highly QUALIFIED prospects to check out your web site.

  • How you can easily create 10-15% more profit from every client with one simple addition to your web site.

  • My KILLER 4-step method for getting placed highly in the search engines without pulling out your hair, smashing your monitor, or committing yourself to an asylum.

  • 6 reasons why you should use one particular type of search engine over any of the others (not brand...type).

  • Why MOST of your email isn’t even read by your clients, customers, or prospects and simple steps you need to take to get your emails delivered, opened, and read.

  • 3 strategies you should avoid at all costs. (2 of them are taught by many "Internet Marketing Gurus" as something you SHOULD be doing. I'm going to give you the REAL dirt so you can avoid those costly mistakes.)

  • My #1 biggest secret for getting new leads and booking shows online. (I almost had to leave it out of the course altogether...it is THAT powerful.)

  • 8 key methods for building a humongous list of "hungry" prospects who are just waiting for the opportunity to buy something from you.

  • 4 things you need to do in every outgoing email in order to build trust and establish a wonderful (and profitable) relationship with your prospects.

  • 3 important "technical" considerations concerning sending out emails. (Explained in PLAIN ENGLISH!)

  • What is "Currency Marketing" and why is it better than "Viral Marketing"?

  • 9 things that will get you into trouble with the search engines.

  • And so much more...

      I'll be totally honest with you, either volume is worth the entire investment fee all by itself.

"...changed my outlook of the web."

      "First of all let me say your course is Fantastic. I could not put it down, I'm on my 3rd reading of it, you have shared so many great experiences in the Kit.

You have changed my outlook of the web. I never believed that the web would be good for booking birthday shows, I believed that you need the paroled touch, to communicate with your prospect by phone.

You have shown me how to use the web as an extra tool to help my prospect and sell my show to them more effectively. Thanks again for a GREAT product."
-Colin Deacon, UK

"Search Engines? Email? Generating Traffic? Sounds Confusing..."

      Six years ago, I had no idea how to set up my system. And everyone was telling me how easy it was! The truth is, it was a painstaking process to convert everything to my magic business and I wouldn't want anybody to have to waste as much time and money as I did. And that's precisely why I put together this course, so you can have a killer web site MUCH FASTER and without having to go through the same expensive learning process that I did.

"Is This Going To Take A Lot Of Work?"

      Most marketing systems require work. When you stop putting work into them, you stop getting results from them. Makes sense, right? "Work once, book gigs once." If you want more gigs after that, then you have to put in more effort. That is NOT SO with this system.

Why You Can't Afford NOT To Take Advantage of This System

      When you set up a web site marketing plan...you're DONE. It will run automatically and continue to bring in gigs for you until you decide you've had enough. "Work once, book gigs, book gigs, book gigs, book gigs..."

      It's a comforting feeling knowing that you'll have a steady flow of "extra" gigs month after month. Consider your online booking agent system an investment in your time.

Here's The Important Information You Need To Know So You Too Can Enjoy the Benefits of Having This System Working For You.

      I've been thinking long and hard about what to put on the price tag. I mean, how do you judge the value of something like this?

  • Do you judge value by how much money you can make with this system?

    I have personally booked multiple thousands of dollars worth of gigs using these strategies and there is no reason why you can't do it too, or maybe even better, if you follow my carefully outlined plan.

  • Do you judge value by how much time and money you can save by not having to develop and test your own system?

    I've invested four years and over $2,701.95 in "Internet marketing" courses to make sure these strategies are as profitable as possible. Now you don't have to.

  • Do you judge value by how much you would pay to have somebody do it all for you?

    If I were to set up your system for you, you'd be put on a minimum, two-month waiting list and it would cost you at least $3000. As you know, many web developers charge MUCH more than that, and all you get from them is a web site, not a complete system.

      It would be fair if I charged any one of those prices for this course. But fortunately for you, I'm not going to use that logic. The investment is large enough so that not just anybody will get a hold of this information, but small enough that anybody who is serious about skyrocketing their Internet success would be crazy to pass it up.

Here's What You Get:

      I want you to learn these strategies quickly and easily as possible so I've included everything you need to soak up the information and run with it.

  • Volume I Ebook - "Creating A Web Site For Maximum Profits" Value: $97

  • Volume II Ebook - "How To Successfully Promote Your Speaking/Entertainment Business With A Web Site" Value: $97(When you order, you will get both instantly downloadable ebooks emailed to you so you can start learning sooner than later.)

  • Personal web page critique - I am ruthless when it comes to giving critiques. If your web page doesn't help you book more gigs, I'll tell ya. And then I'll give you tons (between 2 and 10 pages) of specific ways to fix it. Value: $75

  • 30-minute phone consultation - This is your chance to rent my brain for 30 minutes. All my failures, my successes, and my experiences are at your beck and call. Give me just about any web site problem and I'll either give you the answer or tell you where you can find it. Value: $150

  • Your Investment - $419 Just $47

      Considering how many gigs you can book by applying this information, $47 is a painless drop in the bucket. Even at twice that, it would still be a bargain. Once you get your hands on this course, I think you'll agree. Click the button below to place your order right now.

Instant Download Processed By ClickBank

      And just in case you still have any doubts, here's my killer guarantee. This ensures that your investment is solid, safe, and smart.

100% Total Satisfaction or Your Money Back

       Give me one chance to prove that this course is what I say it is. Take a look inside and if you don't agree that this course is worth every penny (and then some!), then I'll be happy to give you a full refund with no questions asked.

      You WILL: Book more gigs with your web site or you will get your money back promptly.

      You WILL: Have everything you need to set up your own proven "online agent" system or you don't pay a thing.

      I can't be any fairer than that, can I?

      Bottom line: When you order, the WORST that can happen is you end up with a refund. Nothing gained, nothing lost. But the BEST that can happen is you multiply your profits and your business becomes transformed. Sounds like a no-brainer to me.

To your success,

Tim David, Professional Magician and expert Internet Marketer

P.S. #1: What other people say is much more important than what I say. Here are a few comments from customers who were lucky enough to get their hands on a pre-release copy of this course.

"...get a more effective site."

      "Whether you are doing it yourself or working with a professional web designer, Tim’s course will help you get a more effective site. Tim has spent time learning, both from web experts and from personal experience, what works and what doesn't. He has distilled that knowledge into an easy to understand format."
–Dwyane Faux, TX

"...great product."

      "I'm really impressed with your course. I find it easy to read and clear on what I need to do. There's no filler. Just the facts! Thanks for a great product."
-Michael Messing, TN

P.S. #2: Click here only if you've decided NOT to order this course

P.S. #3: That's it. All that's left now is for you to take action. Click on the "Order Now" button and invest in your future right away.

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